How to make a paracord bracelet

How to make a paracord bracelet


Making a paracord bracelet is a fun easy project that everyone can enjoy. The hardest part is deciding what style and what colors you want to use. has made it easy  for you to get all the supplies and insturctions that you need and put them at your finger tips.

First you should pick the style of bracelet that you want to make. There are several popular survival bracelet patterns:

The single color cobra weave is the most popular.

The two color paracord bracelet has one color in the center and another color on the outside.

The thin-line paracord bracelet style can be used to make the firemans parac0rd bracelet and the police survival bracelet

You can also mix the two color and add a thin line like the picture above, this paracord pattern is popular for making team survival bracelets.

The three color paracord bracelet is used for making flag bracelets

Adding the ribbon to a survival bracelet is great to use for a fund raiser.

My favorite is the King cobra braid 

Once you have decided on the style or theme of your paracord bracelet you will now need some paracord supplies

Depending on the size of your project you get a survival bracelet kit withHow to make a paracord bracelet assorted colors and buckles. For larger projects you can get bulk paracord in 100 foot hanks and contoured side release buckles.

How to make a paracord bracelet instructions

The best way to learn how to make a paracord bracelet is to watch. We have created several instructional paracord videos for you to use.  Just go to the paracord instruction videos and watch. This will allow you to make a paracord bracelet at your own speed. You can stop the video at any time or jump ahead if you have previous experience.

Here are your three simple steps to follow when making a paracord bracelet

1. Pick the style of paracord bracelet that you want to make.

2. Order the paracord supplies need like a paracord bracelet kit or bulk paracord.

3. Use the paracord braiding video that matches the style of survival bracelet that you want to make.

Thanks Survival Braclelet Kits  team